We invite you to enter our
Anecdote Competition
with Maggie Cobbett
Prize - One copy of Maggie's book Easy Money for Writers and Wannabes,
one free entry to Open Short Story Competition, online publication
Your brief is to come up with an anecdote
suitable for a mainstream magazine and told in a maximum of 250 words.
Maggie will award her book to the one she finds the most entertaining and believable,
i.e. it doesn't have to be absolutely true but must sound convincing.

Living and writing in North Yorkshire, I’m a member of Ripon Writers’ Group and regularly contribute short stories, articles and reviews to local and national publications. In 2013, three themed story collections of mine appeared on Amazon, first as eBooks and then in print.
Competition successes include twice winning a free place at the Writers' Summer School in Swanwick and a Weekend Rover pass to the Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Writing Festival in Harrogate.
After writing, my main passion is salsa (dancing, not the sauce) and I also work as a television extra, currently appearing as a 'village regular' on Emmerdale. Both these activities give me considerable inspiration for my stories.
Competition successes include twice winning a free place at the Writers' Summer School in Swanwick and a Weekend Rover pass to the Theakstons Old Peculier Crime Writing Festival in Harrogate.
After writing, my main passion is salsa (dancing, not the sauce) and I also work as a television extra, currently appearing as a 'village regular' on Emmerdale. Both these activities give me considerable inspiration for my stories.

I can be contacted through my website www.maggiecobbett.co.uk
1 READ THE RULES OF ENTRY. Please copy these Rules of Entry and the Entry Form from the website before submitting an entry. When you're ready to send your entry, read through these rules again to ensure you have not missed anything for example, an entry form. Please contact us for them only if you're unable to copy them. Follow this link for Entry Form
2 All entries must be in English. As entries will be judged anonymously please ensure the entry form is completed. Entries received without an entry form will not be accepted. Follow this link for Entry Form
3 Entries can be sent either by email or post. We prefer to receive entries via email to ease our administration process. We are happy to accept postal entries if email is not an option for you.
3 (i) Entry by EMAIL:
a) Send your completed entry form in the body of an email. Send it to Debbie at erewashwriterscomps(at)hotmail.co.uk
subject title: ENTRY - ANECDOTE COMP (and your name)
eg ENTRY - ANECDOTE COMP (Debbie Wilkinson).
b) Send your entry either in the body of the same email as your entry form or in the body of a second email with the subject title: ANECDOTE COMP (and your name).
IF YOU HAVE NOT ENTERED ANY OF OUR OPEN COMPETITIONS, THEN YOUR ENTRY MUST BE IN THE BODY OF AN EMAIL. ATTACHMENTS FROM NEW ENTRANTS WILL NOT BE OPENED. Any such entries with an attachment will be deleted. This means your entry will not be accepted if you are a new entrant and you send an attachment.
If you have entered any of our OPEN competitions, you are welcome to send your entry by attachment (attached to your entry form). Please send your entry form in the body of an email. Send each entry as a separate attachment in WORD and make sure the title of the attachment or file is exactly the same as the story title you put on the entry form.
3 (ii) Entry by POST: Complete the entry form and enclose it with your entry. Make sure you do not put anything on the entry to identify yourself. All entries are judged anonymously and any identifying marks will mean we cannot forward your entry to the judging process. You can find the entry form using this link http://erewashwriterscompetition.weebly.com/2015-entry-form-anecdote-comp-with-maggie-cobbett.html
Ensure correct postage is paid otherwise your entry will remain at the sorting office. Our postal address is:
EWG Competition, Parklands Connexion, Stanhope Street, Long Eaton, NG10 4QN.
You can enclose entries to more than one competition in one envelope if you wish as long as each entry is accompanied by the correct entry form. It is acceptable to fold your entry once only if you wish to use a smaller size envelope.
4 Entries will be acknowledged by email so please ensure your email address is clearly stated. If you don’t have email and wish to send a self-addressed stamped postcard, we will use that to acknowledge your entry. Entries received in the last week will be acknowledged after the close date.
5 Your brief is to come up with an anecdote suitable for a mainstream magazine and told in a maximum of 250 words.
Maggie will award her book to the one she finds the most entertaining and believable, i.e. it doesn't have to be absolutely true but must sound convincing.
6 No minimum word count, maximum 250 words, not including title.
7 FREE ENTRY Two entries per entrant permitted. Only one entry per entrant can win a prize.
8 Entrants can be any age. All entries will be judged anonymously and no allowance made for age.
9 We will publish the winning entry on this website and remove it at a later date if you require us to do so. You are welcome to put a link to your blog, website or email with your winning entry if you wish. We require a few words of bio to accompany the winning entry.
10 Copyright remains with author.
11 Entries cannot have been previously published and must be the original work of the entrant. We do not want to read work that can be found to be in print or online anywhere, including blogs.
12 Please do not send us entries that have received an award from a previous competition, or anywhere else. Please do not send us entries currently waiting to be judged in other competitions, or that have been submitted for publication and are awaiting response.
13 Closing date for the competition is noon (GMT) Thursday 16th April 2015. Winners will be announced on this site, on or before Sunday 17th May 2015.
14 Prize - One copy of Maggie's book Easy Money for Writers and Wannabes, one free entry to Open Short Story Competition, online publication
15 The judge's decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
16 No corrections will be accepted.
17 Entry implies acceptance of the rules.
Critique service: We are not providing a critique service for this competition.
We accept non-competition submissions and a short story basic critique be provided for £3.00. A detailed critique service is also available, which includes advice about how to improve any weak areas in your story, a rewrite and more feedback for £10.00. We will consider works with a high word count. Please email Debbie for more information at
SHORT STORY WRITING COURSE: We are pleased to offer a Short Story Writing Course. This course is suitable for beginners and for those who have been writing for a while yet would appreciate a helping hand. Our six-module course is £36 and this fee is discounted to £33 for those who enter the Open Competition 2014, and for those who entered the Open Competition in previous years. Please contact Debbie erewashwriterscomps(at)hotmail.co.uk to find out more or if you wish to
enrol on the course.
1 READ THE RULES OF ENTRY. Please copy these Rules of Entry and the Entry Form from the website before submitting an entry. When you're ready to send your entry, read through these rules again to ensure you have not missed anything for example, an entry form. Please contact us for them only if you're unable to copy them. Follow this link for Entry Form
2 All entries must be in English. As entries will be judged anonymously please ensure the entry form is completed. Entries received without an entry form will not be accepted. Follow this link for Entry Form
3 Entries can be sent either by email or post. We prefer to receive entries via email to ease our administration process. We are happy to accept postal entries if email is not an option for you.
3 (i) Entry by EMAIL:
a) Send your completed entry form in the body of an email. Send it to Debbie at erewashwriterscomps(at)hotmail.co.uk
subject title: ENTRY - ANECDOTE COMP (and your name)
eg ENTRY - ANECDOTE COMP (Debbie Wilkinson).
b) Send your entry either in the body of the same email as your entry form or in the body of a second email with the subject title: ANECDOTE COMP (and your name).
IF YOU HAVE NOT ENTERED ANY OF OUR OPEN COMPETITIONS, THEN YOUR ENTRY MUST BE IN THE BODY OF AN EMAIL. ATTACHMENTS FROM NEW ENTRANTS WILL NOT BE OPENED. Any such entries with an attachment will be deleted. This means your entry will not be accepted if you are a new entrant and you send an attachment.
If you have entered any of our OPEN competitions, you are welcome to send your entry by attachment (attached to your entry form). Please send your entry form in the body of an email. Send each entry as a separate attachment in WORD and make sure the title of the attachment or file is exactly the same as the story title you put on the entry form.
3 (ii) Entry by POST: Complete the entry form and enclose it with your entry. Make sure you do not put anything on the entry to identify yourself. All entries are judged anonymously and any identifying marks will mean we cannot forward your entry to the judging process. You can find the entry form using this link http://erewashwriterscompetition.weebly.com/2015-entry-form-anecdote-comp-with-maggie-cobbett.html
Ensure correct postage is paid otherwise your entry will remain at the sorting office. Our postal address is:
EWG Competition, Parklands Connexion, Stanhope Street, Long Eaton, NG10 4QN.
You can enclose entries to more than one competition in one envelope if you wish as long as each entry is accompanied by the correct entry form. It is acceptable to fold your entry once only if you wish to use a smaller size envelope.
4 Entries will be acknowledged by email so please ensure your email address is clearly stated. If you don’t have email and wish to send a self-addressed stamped postcard, we will use that to acknowledge your entry. Entries received in the last week will be acknowledged after the close date.
5 Your brief is to come up with an anecdote suitable for a mainstream magazine and told in a maximum of 250 words.
Maggie will award her book to the one she finds the most entertaining and believable, i.e. it doesn't have to be absolutely true but must sound convincing.
6 No minimum word count, maximum 250 words, not including title.
7 FREE ENTRY Two entries per entrant permitted. Only one entry per entrant can win a prize.
8 Entrants can be any age. All entries will be judged anonymously and no allowance made for age.
9 We will publish the winning entry on this website and remove it at a later date if you require us to do so. You are welcome to put a link to your blog, website or email with your winning entry if you wish. We require a few words of bio to accompany the winning entry.
10 Copyright remains with author.
11 Entries cannot have been previously published and must be the original work of the entrant. We do not want to read work that can be found to be in print or online anywhere, including blogs.
12 Please do not send us entries that have received an award from a previous competition, or anywhere else. Please do not send us entries currently waiting to be judged in other competitions, or that have been submitted for publication and are awaiting response.
13 Closing date for the competition is noon (GMT) Thursday 16th April 2015. Winners will be announced on this site, on or before Sunday 17th May 2015.
14 Prize - One copy of Maggie's book Easy Money for Writers and Wannabes, one free entry to Open Short Story Competition, online publication
15 The judge's decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
16 No corrections will be accepted.
17 Entry implies acceptance of the rules.
Critique service: We are not providing a critique service for this competition.
We accept non-competition submissions and a short story basic critique be provided for £3.00. A detailed critique service is also available, which includes advice about how to improve any weak areas in your story, a rewrite and more feedback for £10.00. We will consider works with a high word count. Please email Debbie for more information at
SHORT STORY WRITING COURSE: We are pleased to offer a Short Story Writing Course. This course is suitable for beginners and for those who have been writing for a while yet would appreciate a helping hand. Our six-module course is £36 and this fee is discounted to £33 for those who enter the Open Competition 2014, and for those who entered the Open Competition in previous years. Please contact Debbie erewashwriterscomps(at)hotmail.co.uk to find out more or if you wish to
enrol on the course.