Short Story Writing Course
We are pleased to offer a Short Story Writing Course.
This course is suitable for beginners and for those who have been writing for a while yet would
appreciate a helping hand. The course is conducted via email or post.
Our six-module course is £39. If you have entered any of our
Open Short Story Competitions the fee is £36.
Please contact Debbie erewashwriterscomps(at) to find out more
or if you wish to enrol on the course.
Local writing classes in East Midlands are also available
Critique Service
A basic critique for your entry can be provided, with notes on
opening, ending, characterisation, etc
for £3.00.
A detailed critique service is also available. This includes advice about
how to improve any weak areas in your story,
a rewrite and more feedback
for £12.00.
We accept non-competition submissions and will consider works with a high word count.
Please email Debbie for more information at erewashwriterscomps(at)
If you would like to receive a critique, please send a cheque payable to
D Wilkinson at EWG Competition,
Parklands Connexion, Stanhope St,
Long Eaton, NG10 4QN
Alternatively you can request Paypal details with your entry.